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Howdy, welcome to my webpage! This is my 15th year on staff at Redwood Collegiate Academy. I am as excited this year as I was in my first to be part of this exemplary school. Redwood Collegiate Academy is an amazing little school, and each morning I walk on campus I feel a sense of gratitude for the hard-working and kind staff and students that call this place home.
Along with being the Student Support Coordinator, I also teach AP Seminar, Expository Reading and Writing (11th-12th grade), Graduation Project (12th grade), and English I (9th grade). Along with teaching, a big part of my job is to help students learn about options for their future including career exploration and college planning.
If you need to talk with me, please feel free to call or email me to arrange a meeting. This year I am working part-time so that I can help care for my mom who has dementia. Much of the time I am on campus, I am teaching, so I will need to schedule most parent/student meetings ahead of time.
1/11/25 4:01 PM